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Op voorraad
144 / 430 MHZ Dualband portofoon. IP54. 5 Watt.
Excl. BTW
€ 879,00
€ 726,45
Op voorraad
144 / 430 MHZ Dualband portofoon. IP54. 5 Watt. NU TIJDELIJK MET GRATIS TAFELLADER!
Excl. BTW
€ 879,00
€ 726,45
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144 MHz FM Transceiver, VHF FM Draagbare Zendontvanger met toetsenveld
Excl. BTW
€ 149,00
€ 123,14
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VHF transceiver TX-RX-144-146 Mhz.
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€ 279,00
€ 230,58
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2mtr-70cm FM Mobile Transceiver with GPS - APRS and EchoLink Functionality **
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€ 739,00
€ 610,74
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HF set 100 watt met antenne tuner. HF--50 MHz All Mode Zendontvanger
Excl. BTW
€ 949,00
€ 784,30
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HF-50MHz All-Mode Transceiver
Excl. BTW
€ 1.699,00
€ 1.404,13
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HF-50MHz-70Mhz All-Mode Transceiver.
Excl. BTW
€ 4.250,00
€ 3.512,40
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TS-890S transceiver PAKKET incl. SP-890 speaker
Excl. BTW
€ 4.379,00
€ 3.619,01
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200W HF-50MHz Radio Transceiver w.Dual TFT Display & Dual Receiver ALLEEN OP TE HALEN IN ONZE WINKEL
Excl. BTW
€ 7.349,00
€ 6.073,55